【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年05月06日 来源:生物通
北京大学心理学系和机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室,香港大学心理学系,明尼苏达州大学的研究人员利用功能性核磁共振技术研究视皮层可塑性取得的新进展。这一研究成果公布在《Current Biology》(影响因子 10.539)杂志上。
生物通报道:来自北京大学的消息,北京大学心理学系和机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室,香港大学心理学系,明尼苏达州大学的研究人员利用功能性核磁共振技术研究视皮层可塑性取得的新进展。这一研究成果公布在《Current Biology》(影响因子 10.539)杂志上。
方方研究员也是Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Vision, NeuroImage, PLoS Biology, PLoS One, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Psychological Research, Vision Research等国际学术刊物的审稿人,同时也是美国视觉科学学会和美国神经科学学会会员。
方 方
职 称: 研究员,博导
研究领域: 视知觉、意识、注意、脑成像、认知神经科学
电子邮件: ffang@pku.edu.cn
北京大学心理学系研究员, 博士生导师。1997年和2001年分别从北京大学心理学系和智能科学系毕业,获理学学士和工学硕士学位。2006年毕业于美国明尼苏达大学心理学系,获哲学博士学位,2006年至2007年继续在明尼苏达大学心理学系从事博士后研究。2007年入选北京大学“优秀青年人才引进计划”,获“****”特聘教授职位,2008年加入北京大学机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室。
方方博士主要利用脑成像技术、心理物理学、和计算模型研究视知觉、意识、注意和它们的神经机制。目前在国际学术刊物上发表论文多篇,包括Nature Neuroscience,Neuron,Current Biology,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 和 Journal of Neuroscience等权威性杂志。
方方研究员是Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Vision, NeuroImage, PLoS Biology, PLoS One, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Psychological Research, Vision Research等国际学术刊物的审稿人,同时也是美国视觉科学学会和美国神经科学学会会员。
Retinotopically Specific Reorganization of Visual Cortex for Tactile Pattern Recognition
Sing-Hang Cheung1,2,4,,,Fang Fang3,4,,,Sheng He2andGordon E. Legge2
Although previous studies have shown that Braille reading and other tactile discrimination tasks activate the visual cortex of blind and sighted people [1,2,3,4,5], it is not known whether this kind of crossmodal reorganization is influenced by retinotopic organization. We have addressed this question by studying S, a visually impaired adult with the rare ability to read print visually and Braille by touch. S had normal visual development until 6 years of age, and thereafter severe acuity reduction due to corneal opacification, but no evidence of visual-field loss. Functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that, in S's early visual areas, tactile information processing activated what would be the foveal representation for normally sighted individuals, and visual information processing activated what would be the peripheral representation. Control experiments showed that this activation pattern was not due to visual imagery. S's high-level visual areas, which correspond to shape- and object-selective areas in normally sighted individuals, were activated by both visual and tactile stimuli. The retinotopically specific reorganization in early visual areas suggests an efficient redistribution of neural resources in the visual cortex.