
【字体: 时间:2010年08月24日 来源:生物通




    生物通报道  美国耶鲁大学一个研究小组发现几种不同的大脑发育异常病症是由同一个单基因突变引起。研究者利用一种新的基因扫描技术——全外显子组测序技术发现了该基因突变。论文发表《Nature》杂志上

    “这将改变我们研究单基因病的方法。”美国康涅狄格州纽黑文耶鲁大学神经新血管外科计划的负责人,神经遗传学计划的共同负责人、主要研究员Murat Gunel博士认为全外显子组测序技术可用于筛查罕见遗传疾病中难于发现的致病基因。


    “该研究证实了全外显子组测序技术是筛查遗传病病因的一个强有力的新工具。”美国国立卫生所神经病与中风研究所(NINDS)的负责人Story Landis说“它同样证实了美国恢复和再投资法案支持国立卫生研究所推动了生物医药技术发展和革新。”









Nature advance online publication 22 August 2010 | doi:10.1038/nature09327
Whole-exome sequencing identifies recessive WDR62 mutations in severe brain malformations
Kaya Bilgüvar, Ali Kemal Öztürk, Angeliki Louvi, Kenneth Y. Kwan, Murim Choi, Burak Tatlı, Dilek Yalnızoğlu, Beyhan Tüysüz, Ahmet Okay Çağlayan, Sarenur Gökben, Hande Kaymakçalan, Tanyeri Barak, Mehmet Bakırcıoğlu, Katsuhito Yasuno, Winson Ho, Stephan Sanders, Ying Zhu, Sanem Yılmaz, Alp Dinçer, Michele H. Johnson, Richard A. Bronen, Naci Koçer, Hüseyin Per, Shrikant Mane, Mehmet Necmettin Pamir, Cengiz Yalçınkaya, Sefer Kumandaş, Meral Topçu, Meral Özmen, Nenad Šestan, Richard P. Lifton, Matthew W. State & Murat Günel
The development of the human cerebral cortex is an orchestrated process involving the generation of neural progenitors in the periventricular germinal zones, cell proliferation characterized by symmetric and asymmetric mitoses, followed by migration of post-mitotic neurons to their final destinations in six highly ordered, functionally specialized layers1, 2. An understanding of the molecular mechanisms guiding these intricate processes is in its infancy, substantially driven by the discovery of rare mutations that cause malformations of cortical development3, 4, 5, 6. Mapping of disease loci in putative Mendelian forms of malformations of cortical development has been hindered by marked locus heterogeneity, small kindred sizes and diagnostic classifications that may not reflect molecular pathogenesis. Here we demonstrate the use of whole-exome sequencing to overcome these obstacles by identifying recessive mutations in WD repeat domain 62 (WDR62) as the cause of a wide spectrum of severe cerebral cortical malformations including microcephaly, pachygyria with cortical thickening as well as hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Some patients with mutations in WDR62 had evidence of additional abnormalities including lissencephaly, schizencephaly, polymicrogyria and, in one instance, cerebellar hypoplasia, all traits traditionally regarded as distinct entities. In mice and humans, WDR62 transcripts and protein are enriched in neural progenitors within the ventricular and subventricular zones. Expression of WDR62 in the neocortex is transient, spanning the period of embryonic neurogenesis. Unlike other known microcephaly genes, WDR62 does not apparently associate with centrosomes and is predominantly nuclear in localization. These findings unify previously disparate aspects of cerebral cortical development and highlight the use of

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