
【字体: 时间:2011年07月20日 来源:生物通


  基因疗法的诞生让人们激动,但是在过去几十年里,这一本来被寄予极大厚望的技术却发展频频受阻,甚至无疾而终——从1989年起,全世界有超过350次的基因疗法试验。在涉及的数千个病人中,大概只有12个患有某种罕见的免疫系统紊乱的病人,而且都是孩子。然而这种情况近两年来得到了好转,科学家们利用基因疗法在利伯氏先天性黑内障(LCA)和肾上腺脑白质营养不良(ALD)等疾病方面取得了重要进展。近期来自费城儿童医院的著名基因疗法专家Katherine A. High又在基因疗法方法上获得了突破性进展,这无疑是个好消息。


生物通报道:基因疗法的诞生让人们激动,但是在过去几十年里,这一本来被寄予极大厚望的技术却发展频频受阻,甚至无疾而终——从1989年起,全世界有超过350次的基因疗法试验。在涉及的数千个病人中,大概只有12个患有某种罕见的免疫系统紊乱的病人,而且都是孩子。然而这种情况近两年来得到了好转,科学家们利用基因疗法在利伯氏先天性黑内障(LCA)和肾上腺脑白质营养不良(ALD)等疾病方面取得了重要进展。近期来自费城儿童医院的著名基因疗法专家Katherine A. High又在基因疗法方法上获得了突破性进展,这无疑是个好消息。


在最新这篇文章中,Katherine High研究组与Sangamo BioSciences公司的研究人员合作,通过将一个设计出的锌指DNA-结合区域融合到一个核酸内切酶上,获得了锌指核酸酶(ZFN),从而能利用这些酶在基因组上特定位置诱导双链断裂,并且在活体中以具有临床意义的水平刺激基因组编辑,从而诱导高效的基因修正。

由于锌指核酸酶独具在染色体上精确定位的优势,而传统基因疗法却存在插入诱变(insertional mutagenesis)的风险,可能绕过控制基因的正常生物组分,随机地将替代基因传递给不利的位置,引发意外的基因变化,例如白血病。因此利用这一基因组编辑(genome editing)的技术,基因疗法能够更准确的定位。

具体而言,研究人员采用B型血友病(hemophilia B)小鼠模型,利用腺病毒相关病毒设计了两套基因传递载体,一种载体携带锌指核酸酶实现基因组剪接,另一种携带正常的F9基因(F9基因突变引发B型血友病)。这样将锌指核酸酶送入到患有乙型血友病的活体实验鼠的肝脏细胞中,利用第一个载体精确地剪除了细胞DNA中基因序列上发生变异的部分,在利用第二个载体将一段正确的基因序列送入细胞中,细胞在修复DNA链条的同时也就补贴好了正确的基因序列。





In vivo genome editing restores haemostasis in a mouse model of haemophilia

Editing of the human genome to correct disease-causing mutations is a promising approach for the treatment of genetic disorders. Genome editing improves on simple gene-replacement strategies by effecting in situ correction of a mutant gene, thus restoring normal gene function under the control of endogenous regulatory elements and reducing risks associated with random insertion into the genome. Gene-specific targeting has historically been limited to mouse embryonic stem cells. The development of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) has permitted efficient genome editing in transformed and primary cells that were previously thought to be intractable to such genetic manipulation1. In vitro, ZFNs have been shown to promote efficient genome editing via homology-directed repair by inducing a site-specific double-strand break (DSB) at a target locus2, 3, 4, but it is unclear whether ZFNs can induce DSBs and stimulate genome editing at a clinically meaningful level in vivo. Here we show that ZFNs are able to induce DSBs efficiently when delivered directly to mouse liver and that, when co-delivered with an appropriately designed gene-targeting vector, they can stimulate gene replacement through both homology-directed and homology-independent targeted gene insertion at the ZFN-specified locus. The level of gene targeting achieved was sufficient to correct the prolonged clotting times in a mouse model of haemophilia B, and remained persistent after induced liver regeneration. Thus, ZFN-driven gene correction can be achieved in vivo, raising the possibility of genome editing as a viable strategy for the treatment of genetic disease.


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