
【字体: 时间:2012年02月21日 来源:生物通


  来自哈佛医学院的研究人员发表了题为“A Logic-Gated Nanorobot for Targeted Transport of Molecular Payloads”的文章,利用这一设备运送药物至个体细胞,帮助清除癌细胞,这篇发表在Science杂志上的文章,与之前Nature上的文章,共同为我们展示了这项技术的发展。


生物通报道:DNA折纸技术(DNA origami)是一种能将DNA链反复折叠形成需要的图形的技术,这项技术不仅能用于图形设计,现在还可以作为定位并摧毁活细胞的设备。

来自哈佛医学院的研究人员发表了题为“A Logic-Gated Nanorobot for Targeted Transport of Molecular Payloads”的文章,利用这一设备运送药物至个体细胞,帮助清除癌细胞,这篇发表在Science杂志上的文章,与之前Nature上的文章,共同为我们展示了这项技术的发展。

研究人员将这种设备称为纳米机器人(nanorobots),其基本原理是利用类似于免疫系统中的细胞识别机制。Science文章的作者,哈佛医学院博士后Ido Bachelet说,“我们称其为纳米机器人,因为它能完成机器人的任务”,一旦这一设备获得了细胞的认可,就能自动变换形状,释放所负载体。









A Logic-Gated Nanorobot for Targeted Transport of Molecular Payloads

We describe an autonomous DNA nanorobot capable of transporting molecular payloads to cells, sensing cell surface inputs for conditional, triggered activation, and reconfiguring its structure for payload delivery. The device can be loaded with a variety of materials in a highly organized fashion and is controlled by an aptamer-encoded logic gate, enabling it to respond to a wide array of cues. We implemented several different logical AND gates and demonstrate their efficacy in selective regulation of nanorobot function. As a proof of principle, nanorobots loaded with combinations of antibody fragments were used in two different types of cell-signaling stimulation in tissue culture. Our prototype could inspire new designs with different selectivities and biologically active payloads for cell-targeting tasks.

Folding DNA to create nanoscale shapes and patterns

'Bottom-up fabrication', which exploits the intrinsic properties of atoms and molecules to direct their self-organization, is widely used to make relatively simple nanostructures. A key goal for this approach is to create nanostructures of high complexity, matching that routinely achieved by 'top-down' methods. The self-assembly of DNA molecules provides an attractive route towards this goal. Here I describe a simple method for folding long, single-stranded DNA molecules into arbitrary two-dimensional shapes. The design for a desired shape is made by raster-filling the shape with a 7-kilobase single-stranded scaffold and by choosing over 200 short oligonucleotide 'staple strands' to hold the scaffold in place. Once synthesized and mixed, the staple and scaffold strands self-assemble in a single step. The resulting DNA structures are roughly 100 nm in diameter and approximate desired shapes such as squares, disks and five-pointed stars with a spatial resolution of 6 nm. Because each oligonucleotide can serve as a 6-nm pixel, the structures can be programmed to bear complex patterns such as words and images on their surfaces. Finally, individual DNA structures can be programmed to form larger assemblies, including extended periodic lattices and a hexamer of triangles (which constitutes a 30-megadalton molecular complex).

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