Nature & Cell两大顶级杂志获表观遗传研究突破
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2012年07月06日 来源:生物通
在“Genome-wide Nucleosome Specificity and Directionality of Chromatin Remodelers”文章中,宾州大学首席研究员B. Franklin Pugh教授领导的研究组利用了一种称为核酸外切酶的工具,来去除未有基因调控蛋白结合的DNA序列,从而确定具体的核苷酸序列。
在单碱基对分辨率的尺度下,绘制核小体的位置对于了解许多生物学进程,比如RNA聚合酶活性,转录因子结合动力学,DNA复制和基因剪接具有重要的意义。但是目前已有的绘制核小体的方法并不能在单碱基对这个精度上分析核小体位置。目前最常见用于核小体定位绘图的方法主要是通过对染色质使用微球菌核酸酶(Micrococcal nuclease,MNase),来消化没有受到组蛋白核心保护的DNA序列,这样就能通过分析未消化DNA序列片段,间接了解核小体的位置。
A map of nucleosome positions in yeast at base-pair resolution
The exact positions of nucleosomes along genomic DNA can influence many aspects of chromosome function. However, existing methods for mapping nucleosomes do not provide the necessary single-base-pair accuracy to determine these positions. Here we develop and apply a new approach for direct mapping of nucleosome centres on the basis of chemical modification of engineered histones. The resulting map locates nucleosome positions genome-wide in unprecedented detail and accuracy. It shows new aspects of the in vivo nucleosome organization that are linked to transcription factor binding, RNA polymerase pausing and the higher-order structure of the chromatin fibre.
Genome-wide Nucleosome Specificity and Directionality of Chromatin Remodelers
How chromatin remodelers cooperate to organize nucleosomes around the start and end of genes is not known. We determined the genome-wide binding of remodeler complexes SWI/SNF, RSC, ISW1a, ISW1b, ISW2, and INO80 to individual nucleosomes in Saccharomyces, and determined their functional contributions to nucleosome positioning through deletion analysis. We applied ultra-high-resolution ChIP-exo mapping to Isw2 to determine its subnucleosomal orientation and organization on a genomic scale. Remodelers interacted with selected nucleosome positions relative to the start and end of genes and produced net directionality in moving nucleosomes either away or toward nucleosome-free regions at the 5 and 3 ends of genes. Isw2 possessed a subnucleosomal organization in accord with biochemical and crystallographic-based models that place its linker binding region within promoters and abutted against Reb1-bound locations. Together, these findings reveal a coordinated position-specific approach taken by remodelers to organize genic nucleosomes into arrays.