【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2013年05月31日 来源:生物通
霍华德•休斯医学研究所(HHMI)的研究人员通过微调荧光探针的设计以及RNA固定技术,开发出一种检测和定量肿瘤活检样本中microRNA分子的方法。这种新的荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术实现了肿瘤类型的鉴定。《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》杂志近日刊登了这一成果。
生物通报道 霍华德•休斯医学研究所(HHMI)的研究人员通过微调荧光探针的设计以及RNA固定技术,开发出一种检测和定量肿瘤活检样本中microRNA分子的方法。这种新的荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术实现了肿瘤类型的鉴定。《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》杂志近日刊登了这一成果。
文章的通讯作者,霍华德•休斯医学研究所的研究员Thomas Tuschl认为:“之前人们开发出RNA FISH方法,但它存在很多问题。我认为这篇文章是一个新的基础,说明过去许多观点是错误的,但没有化学家进入这一领域,真正优化这些方法。”
于是,Tuschl的同事Pavol Cekan设计并检验了不同版本的探针。他发现,最好使用一个与半抗原相连的较长接头,这样的探针放大后可获得强的荧光信号。而市售的产品通常不起作用,因为接头太短。
为了评估Cekal的探针,洛克菲勒大学的研究人员Neil Renwick检验了这种新方法是否能区分两种组织形态相似的皮肤癌:基底细胞癌(BCC)和梅克尔细胞癌(MCC)。每种癌症都有一个独特的microRNA,便于判断。
如今,Tuschl和Cekal已增加了每次能检测的RNA数量。他们在一个实验中同时测定7个RNA以及DAPI,即8种荧光。Tuschl表示:“这仅仅是开始。我们利用rRNA探针的对照实验说明了这也能转换到其他RNA。”(生物通 薄荷)
Multicolor microRNA FISH effectively differentiates tumor types
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are excellent tumor biomarkers because of their cell-type specificity and abundance. However, many miRNA detection methods, such as real-time PCR, obliterate valuable visuospatial information in tissue samples. To enable miRNA visualization in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues, we developed multicolor miRNA FISH. As a proof of concept, we used this method to differentiate two skin tumors, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), with overlapping histologic features but distinct cellular origins. Using sequencing-based miRNA profiling and discriminant analysis, we identified the tumor-specific miRNAs miR-205 and miR-375 in BCC and MCC, respectively. We addressed three major shortcomings in miRNA FISH, identifying optimal conditions for miRNA fixation and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) retention using model compounds and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses, enhancing signal amplification and detection by increasing probe-hapten linker lengths, and improving probe specificity using shortened probes with minimal rRNA sequence complementarity. We validated our method on 4 BCC and 12 MCC tumors. Amplified miR-205 and miR-375 signals were normalized against directly detectable reference rRNA signals. Tumors were classified using predefined cutoff values, and all were correctly identified in blinded analysis. Our study establishes a reliable miRNA FISH technique for parallel visualization of differentially expressed miRNAs in FFPE tumor tissues.