【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年10月23日 来源:生物通
基质细胞来源于结缔组织,可能会严重影响肿瘤的生长。这些知识并不新鲜。然而,来自维也纳大学、维也纳医科大学的一个跨学科小组,开发出一种新型方法用于调查研究。他们利用现代质谱分析法,直接从穿刺活检样本确定乳腺成纤维细胞的促肿瘤活性。最近,这一实验突破,发表在国际著名期刊《Journal of Proteome Research》。
生物通报道:基质细胞来源于结缔组织,可能会严重影响肿瘤的生长。这些知识并不新鲜。然而,生物学分析师Christopher Gerner和来自维也纳大学、维也纳医科大学的一个跨学科小组,开发出一种新型方法用于调查研究。他们利用现代质谱分析法,直接从穿刺活检样本确定乳腺成纤维细胞的促肿瘤活性。最近,这一实验突破,发表在国际著名期刊《Journal of Proteome Research》。该期刊为蛋白质组研究三大国际权威期刊之一,同时被Pudmed(世界权威生物医学、健康学科检索数据库)收及SCI(科学引文索引)收录。
基质细胞对于肿瘤生长的潜在贡献,已经得到了广泛的认可。理解一种病变基质状态是否支持肿瘤发生,或者,肿瘤基质细胞是否引起这种病变基质的形成,并不容易。维也纳大学分析化学系主任Christopher Gerner指出:“我们成功确定了同样的相关分子,并首次分析了人组织样品外的这些分子。”与维也纳医科大学妇产科学系的Georg Pfeiler以及一个跨学科研究团队合作,他们开发了一种新的分析方法。
目前这项研究的结果可能有几个影响。基于穿刺活检,现在我们可以评估基质细胞的功能状态。维也纳医科大学的Georg Pfeiler称:“因此,确定这种活性存在于何种程度,并与个别患者样本有多大关系,对我们来说是可行的。这是我们计划药理学干预的第一步。提到临床实践,未来还有希望。为此,我们目前正在开发一种只使用血清检测的分析方法。”此外,使用体外模型系统来检测候选药物是可行的,这些药物以一种靶向方式干扰这些不良的细胞活动。这一额外治疗策略的临床应用,可大大改善当前的治疗效果,涉及生活质量指标及预后。
Proteome Profiling of Breast Cancer Biopsies Reveals a Wound Healing Signature of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
Abstract: Breast cancer is still the most common type of cancer in women; an important role in carcinogenesis is actually attributed to cancer-associated fibroblasts. In this study, we investigated whether it is possible to assess the functional state of cancer-associated fibroblasts through tumor tissue proteome profiling. Tissue proteomics was performed on tumor-central, tumor-near, and tumor-distant biopsy sections from breast adenocarcinoma patients, which allowed us to identify 2074 proteins. Data were interpreted referring to reference proteome profiles generated from primary human mammary fibroblasts comprising 4095 proteins. These cells were analyzed in quiescent cell state as well as after in vitro treatment with TGFβ or IL-1β, stimulating wound healing or inflammatory processes, respectively. Representative for cancer cells, we investigated the mammary carcinoma cell line ZR-75-1, identifying 5212 proteins. All mass analysis data have been made fully accessible via ProteomeXchange, DOI PXD001311 and PXD001323-8. Comparison of tissue proteomics data with all of those reference profiles revealed predominance of cancer cell-derived proteins within the tumor and fibroblast-derived proteins in the tumor-distant tissue sections. Remarkably, proteins characteristic for acute inflammation were hardly identified in the tissue samples. In contrast, several proteins found by us to be induced by TGFβ in mammary fibroblasts, including fibulin-5, SLC2A1, and MUC18, were positively identified in all tissue samples, with relatively higher abundance in tumor neighboring tissue sections. These findings indicate a predominance of cancer-associated fibroblasts with wound healing activities localized around tumors.