【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2014年08月06日 来源:生物通
目前,麦吉尔大学和Génome Québec创新中心的研究人员,实现了一项技术突破,可为癌症和各种产前情况带来更快速的诊断。相关研究结果发表在本周的《PNAS》杂志。
生物通报道:目前,麦吉尔大学和Génome Québec创新中心的研究人员,实现了一项技术突破,可为癌症和各种产前情况带来更快速的诊断。
发表在本周《PNAS》杂志的这篇论文中,麦吉尔大学物理系的Sabrina Leslie和Walter Reisner教授及其Génome Québec创新中心的合作者Rob Sladek博士,开发出一种新的工具。这种新工具可让研究人员将长链DNA装载到一个可调谐的纳米级成像室,所用的方法可在类似于人体中发现的条件下,保持它们的同构性。
这种新研制的“Convex Lens-Induced Confinement(CLIC)”将使研究人员能够迅速地定位大的基因组,同时以单分子分辨率清楚地识别来自单细胞的特殊基因序列,这个过程是诊断癌症之类疾病的关键。
Génome Québec创新中心的Rob Sladek博士称:“目前基因组分析的做法,通常需要长千上万个细胞,这么多基因组物质才能获得我们所需的信息,但是这种新方法只使用单个细胞。CLIC将使研究人员能够避免目前技术情况下必须花费时间将整个基因组拼接在一起的麻烦,有望使基因组分析成为一个更简单和更有效的过程。”
Convex lens-induced nanoscale templating
Abstract: We demonstrate a new platform, convex lens-induced nanoscale templating (CLINT), for dynamic manipulation and trapping of single DNA molecules. In the CLINT technique, the curved surface of a convex lens is used to deform a flexible coverslip above a substrate containing embedded nanotopography, creating a nanoscale gap that can be adjusted during an experiment to confine molecules within the embedded nanostructures. Critically, CLINT has the capability of transforming a macroscale flow cell into a nanofluidic device without the need for permanent direct bonding, thus simplifying sample loading, providing greater accessibility of the surface for functionalization, and enabling dynamic manipulation of confinement during device operation. Moreover, as DNA molecules present in the gap are driven into the embedded topography from above, CLINT eliminates the need for the high pressures or electric fields required to load DNA into direct-bonded nanofluidic devices. To demonstrate the versatility of CLINT, we confine DNA to nanogroove and nanopit structures, demonstrating DNA nanochannel-based stretching, denaturation mapping, and partitioning/trapping of single molecules in multiple embedded cavities. In particular, using ionic strengths that are in line with typical biological buffers, we have successfully extended DNA in sub–30-nm nanochannels, achieving high stretching (90%) that is in good agreement with Odijk deflection theory, and we have mapped genomic features using denaturation analysis.