【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2015年04月10日 来源:生物通
目前,日本和新加坡的研究人员,通过分离一种精制蛋白质并将其放置在一个模仿细胞的胶囊内,在世界上首次复制了细胞收缩环的结构。相关研究结果发表在三月二十三日的《Nature Cell Biology》杂志。
生物通报道:目前,日本和新加坡的研究人员,通过分离一种精制蛋白质并将其放置在一个模仿细胞的胶囊内,在世界上首次复制了细胞收缩环的结构。相关研究结果发表在三月二十三日的《Nature Cell Biology》杂志。延伸阅读:Nature子刊:细胞分裂的一个关键组分得以揭示。
Shin'ichi Ishiwata教授(先进的科学与工程研究生院)和研究助理Makito Miyazaki(科学与工程研究所)在新加坡Waseda生物科学研究所的研究小组(WABIOS),通过分离一个精制蛋白并将其放置在一个模仿细胞的胶囊内,在世界上首次复制了该收缩环的结构。此外,该研究小组对该收缩环的自组织结构及其收缩性能的最低要求和物理条件,有了深刻的认识。这一成果有望对理解细胞分裂的整体运作,起到重要的作用。
Cell-sized spherical confinement induces the spontaneous formation of contractile actomyosin rings in vitro
Abstract: During cell division, many animal cells transform into a spherical shape and assemble a contractile ring composed of actin filaments and myosin motors at the equator to separate the cell body into two. Although actomyosin regulatory proteins are spatio-temporally controlled during cytokinesis, the direct contribution of cell shape and actomyosin activity to the contractile ring assembly remains unclear. Here, we demonstrated in vitro that actin polymerization inside cell-sized spherical droplets induced the spontaneous formation of single ring-shaped actin bundles in the presence of bundling factors. Despite a lack of spatial regulatory signals, the rings always assembled at the equator to minimize the elastic energy of the bundles. Myosin promoted ring formation by the dynamic remodelling of actin networks, and an increase in the effective concentration of myosin triggered ring contraction. These results will help us understand how animal cells coordinate cell shape and actomyosin activities to direct cytokinesis.