【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2015年06月16日 来源:生物通
细胞突起是细胞迁移的一个关键组成部分。到目前为止,科学家们一直都是依靠复杂而昂贵的显微镜,来研究细胞突起的动力学。最近,有研究人员根据一种成功的、以阻抗为基础的、用于研究细胞增殖和粘附的技术,开发出一种新的方法,让我们可以更进一步的研究细胞突出动力学。相关研究结果发表在最近的《Scientific Reports》。
生物通报道:细胞迁移在许多生理过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,有助于癌细胞的侵袭和散播。细胞会采用一些迁移策略来应对不同的环境刺激,例如基质刚度、细胞外基质的分子组成或可溶分子(如生长因子或细胞因子)浓度的时空变化。通常情况下,细胞迁移包括细胞突起(cell protrusions)的产生,即胞体外质膜的延伸,细胞突起是细胞迁移的一个关键组成部分。已有研究表明,不同类型的细胞突起有助于特定环境、细胞类型和微环境中的细胞迁移和入侵。延伸阅读:Hepatology:揭示肝癌细胞迁移的新机制。
然而,到目前为止,科学家们一直都是依靠复杂而昂贵的显微镜,来研究细胞突起(cell protrusion)的动力学。最近,有研究人员根据一种成功的、以阻抗为基础的、用于研究细胞增殖和粘附的技术,开发出一种新的方法,让我们可以更进一步的研究细胞突出动力学。相关研究结果发表在最近的《Scientific Reports》。
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多细胞生物的发育,依赖于细胞的迁移,其中的一个关键步骤是细胞突出,或胞体的伸长。本文第一作者、意大利托里诺大学的Paolo Gagliardi指出,细胞形成突起的这种能力,可让它们探索周围的环境,以粘附到细胞外的分子,最后,把整个细胞拉到目标位置。突起的形成与细胞进入我们组织中复杂三维环境的能力密切相关。已确定的不同突出类型,可以告诉我们很多关于“体内细胞采用的迁移类型”的信息。
Real-time monitoring of cell protrusion dynamics by impedance responses
Abstract: Cellular protrusions are highly dynamic structures involved in fundamental processes, including cell migration and invasion. For a cell to migrate, its leading edge must form protrusions, and then adhere or retract. The spatial and temporal coordination of protrusions and retraction is yet to be fully understood. The study of protrusion dynamics mainly relies on live-microscopy often coupled to fluorescent labeling. Here we report the use of an alternative, label-free, quantitative and rapid assay to analyze protrusion dynamics in a cell population based on the real-time recording of cell activity by means of electronic sensors. Cells are seeded on a plate covered with electrodes and their shape changes map into measured impedance variations. Upon growth factor stimulation the impedance increases due to protrusive activity and decreases following retraction. Compared to microscopy-based methods, impedance measurements are suitable to high-throughput studies on different cell lines, growth factors and chemical compounds. We present data indicating that this assay lends itself to dissect the biochemical signaling pathways controlling adhesive protrusions. Indeed, we show that the protrusion phase is sustained by actin polymerization, directly driven by growth factor stimulation. Contraction instead mainly relies on myosin action, pointing at a pivotal role of myosin in lamellipodia retraction.